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Mark: In the Company of Christ by Jeff Manion

Mark's gospel has an urgency to it that's hard to ignore. It's as if he is breathless, trying to get the information out as quickly as he can. A few decades have passed since Jesus' ministry, and with persecution intensifying, some believers were tempted to compromise or simply give up on being a follower of the Messiah.

So, Mark needed to take the early Christians back to the basics and get them ready to move!

In this six-session study, pastor Jeff Manion takes you and your group through the gospel of Mark to answer such urgent questions about the Christian faith as:

  • Who is this Jesus?
  • What does he expect of me?
  • Is suffering a normal part of the Christian life?
  • What will encourage and strengthen my trust in Jesus?

These questions are not born of a lack of faith but serve to strengthen and stabilize our relationship with the Savior. So, lace up your running shoes. Open your heart and mind. And come with your questions! Get ready to move as Mark's Gospel reveals what it means to follow Jesus.